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Pattison High School
(Vancouver, B.C.)
Pattison High School 能夠以被公認的卓越標準來幫助學生,讓學生為申請到北美及世界頂尖大學打下堅實基礎。Pattison High School 一年最多可修習 12 門課程的體制,很適合希望盡快拿到加拿大高中畢業證書的學生。 學校 “以學生為中心” 的課程和項目,支持了學生們的個性化發展。鼓勵式的教育,激發了學生的潛能。學校為學生提供了沉浸式的高質量教學環境。學生和老師一起,在充滿活力與關愛的氛圍中探索,這培養了學生個人品格和智力的發展。所有的教職員工都以專業的水準,來專注於學生的成長目標。所有 Pattison High School 的畢業生,都帶著自信與責任,在不同的學業或專業領域,開始了新的征程。 學校熱切地希望,新的學生可以加入 Pattison High School, 並且真切的希望每一個人都可以在現在與將來取得成功。
Pattison High School 座落於繁華的溫哥華市中心地帶,優越的地理位置使得學生們能更多受益於周圍便利的文化,藝術和體育設施,如:溫哥華美術館,公共圖書館,法院和基督會青年活動中心。由此學生們能獲得的學習經驗不僅限於教室,也延伸到了更廣闊的課外。
小班教學,個性化針對教學,學生老師比例 15:1
*學費詳情 (2024 - 2025)

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* 最終費用以學校公佈為準。
Pattison High School 位於溫哥華 (Vancouver),卑斯省 (B.C. 省) 。溫哥華市人口有 63 萬,而大溫哥華地區的人口為 246 萬,是卑詩省以至加拿大西部最大的都會區。夏季氣溫一般在攝氏 20 度左右,冬季氣溫一般在攝氏 0 度以上。11 月份溫哥華的氣溫在一般保持在 3℃ - 9℃ 之間,溫潤而舒適,是加拿大城市中最溫暖的城市。
My two years in Pattison High School were among the best years of my life. Teachers are really kind and they want to help the students improve. The atmosphere is very friendly and the staffs and students are really supportive. Meeting people from other countries is another thing that I like about PHS. I have learned a lot about different cultures and languages. I made new friends, and I created lots of beautiful memories with them. When I first came to PHS, I was worried about the new environment, but my teachers and friends helped me to be strong and confident. PHS made me ready for my future. Thanks PHS for everything.
Salehzadeh Namin Shirin, Student – Iranian
After graduating from Pattison High School, I have started a new chapter of my life in UBC.
I have always had a passion for mathematics so, being one week into the university, I was already eager to find a research position where I would get support to explore all the ideas I had regarding the subject. Luckily, I got the job and, still during my first-year, I was awarded an office. This, being usually a privilege of graduate students, makes me the only undergraduate out of eight thousand to have an office.
Currently, I am working on a new project, which I consider even more challenging. I am starting my own company – Prime Fern. My purpose doing so is to combine my creativity and coding expertise and contribute to the community by making apps, games, and websites for customers. I am really proud of what I have achieved so far but I am far from done. This is just the beginning of my journey that started at Pattison High School.
Danilo Chiarlone, Alumnus – Brazilian